The Association

The Association of Certified Forensic Investigators of Canada is the Canadian Not-for-Profit Corporation administering the Certified Forensic Investigators’ accreditation program in Canada ensuring that the Certified Forensic Investigator (CFI) designation in Canada is the symbol of the highest standard of excellence in its field.

The Association promotes and fosters a national forum and governing body for the affiliation of professionals dedicated to excellence in the field of forensic investigation in Canada, who offer to the public, governments and employers, their expertise in the area of fraud prevention, detection and investigation, as well as liaison with other non-profit associations for the purpose of promulgating fraud awareness.

The Association pursues its objectives in service to its members and for the benefit of the public at large.

The Association provides services such as seminars, conferences, specialized training, networking, periodic e-newsletters, as well as a website with articles and educational tools to assist members and others with a comprehensive guide to aid in understanding and dealing with fraud and its related issues.

In essence, the Association provides a “meeting place” where CFI practitioners, who are engaged in law enforcement, forensic & investigative accounting, law, auditing and other related fields, can meet with each other, as well as others, to discuss fraud related issues.